Officers and committee

Branch Executive 2024/2025

View committee member bios


President: Sophia Woodman

Vice President: Helen Eborall

Secretary: Elaine Newton-Bruzza (Workload H&S Rep)

Treasurer: David Rush

Membership Secretary: Alejandro De Coss Corzo

Equalities Officer: Sophia Lycouris (JULC (student liaison); Edinburgh Trades Union Council (ETUC))

Migrant Rep: Idil Akinci

LGBT+ Rep: Gina Gwenffrewi

BAME Rep: Mohan Sridharan

Women's Rep: Poppy Gerrard-Abbott

Anticasualisation Officers:

  • Cecile Menard

  • Adam Farquhar

Academic Related Professional Staff (ARPS) Rep: Grant Buttars (UCU Scotland Vice President; National Executive Committee (NEC))

Casework Coordinator: Claire Graf

Learning Rep: (Vacant)

Green Rep: Glen Cousquer

PGR Rep: Sam Hughes

Union Nominee to University Court: Kathryn Nash

Ordinary Committee Members:

  • Pieter Blue - Pensions Officer

  • Fiona Brown - Caseworker

  • Ben Coulson

  • Claire Duncanson



Under the rules of the Trade Union – the Local Committee can have up to twenty-four ordinary members. We still have vacancies on the committee and would welcome any new committee members. We are particularly keen to have more representation of PGRs.

There are many sections of the University which are not represented. Ordinary members should represent as broad and inclusive a spectrum of membership as possible and may include roles with a particular short-term focus or requiring specialist knowledge to assist the officers.

We would be interested to hear from anyone who would be willing to serve on the Committee. You can contact any Committee member in confidence and with no obligation.