Get involved!
Want to become more active in UCU, but don’t really know how, or in what capacity?
There are plenty of ways, ranging from: helping out occasionally during industrial action, being a Local Contact, serving as a Rep, Caseworker, Branch Committee member or Officer for UCU Edinburgh or even working on a national level.
Email us at if you want to get involved.
The union is made up of its members – YOU!
Local Contact
If you don’t have much time, you may want to become a Local Contact. This mostly involves being the face of the union in your department/school/area and carrying out light tasks such as distributing leaflets or posters. Local Contacts are the driving force behind our campaigns and recruitment to the union.
Casework means helping out other members with their queries and problems. It is very rewarding work and you can choose yourself how much work you take on. For new Caseworkers we will arrange a more experienced Caseworker mentor to help you in your new role, and you will need to take the UCU Reps 1 course.
Being a Rep means representing your colleagues in different ways, such as serving as a Workload Rep or as a Health & Safety Rep. This can mean either being a rep for a specific department or school, or for a specific group of members such as postgraduate students. Some Rep positions, such as H&S, may require additional training.
Committee Member
If you want to become more involved in how the university functions, join the UCU Edinburgh committee, either as an Officer, Rep, or Ordinary Committee Member. Committee Members are elected at the AGM, usually held in May or June.
For information on other roles, including those of officer or work on a national level in UCU Scotland or UCU UK, do contact us at