Meetings and events
The dates of branch meetings and other relevant events appear in the branch calendar.
Meetings are conducted in accordance with sections 13-16 of the branch model rules, as follows:
There will be at least three general meetings of the Branch/LA each year, of which one will be designated as the annual general meeting. The Regional Official shall receive notice and minutes of all Branch/LA meetings. The General Secretary or nominee may attend all Branch/LA meetings.
13.1 Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting will be held in [month or other specification] each year. The secretary will take all reasonable steps to ensure that notice of the annual general meeting is received by members not later than the day that is [42 days] before the day on which the meeting is to be held. The secretary will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the agenda for the meeting is received by members not later than the day that is [14 days] before the day on which the meeting is to be held.
The annual general meeting will normally receive the results of elections of the officers and committee members. It will appoint an auditor or auditors.
13.2 Other General Meetings
The secretary will take all reasonable steps to ensure that notice of other general meetings is received by members not later than the day that is [14 days] before the day on which the meeting is to be held.
An extraordinary general meeting of the Branch/LA will be held either at the request of the Committee, or following receipt by the secretary of a requisition signed by at least the number of members equivalent to a quorum. Such a requisition will specify the topic or topics to be discussed. Requisitioned meetings will be arranged to take place not later than [10] working days after the day on which that requisition was received. The secretary will take all reasonable steps to ensure that notice of the extraordinary general meeting is received by members not later than the day that is [5] working days before the day on which the meeting is to be held.
15.1 Where an issue is urgent and an emergency meeting is called by the Officers, the secretary will take all reasonable steps to ensure that notice of the emergency general meeting is received by members not less than 3 working days before the day on which the meeting is to be held.
At all general meetings, including extraordinary and emergency general meetings, of the Branch/LA a quorum will be one twentieth of the membership or 25 members, whichever is least. In any case, the quorum must be greater than the total size of the committee.
Further information on how to bring a motion can be found on the Motions and Policy page.