International and Migrant Members Subcommitee
2024-25 Migrant Officer: Idil Akinci
This subcommittee focusses on supporting international members of staff and advocating for their matters within the union and university
Update: April 2022
Since the last UCUE migrant members survey conducted in 2020, we have been in touch with the Staff Visa Officer, University HR as well as James Smith (VP International) to advance issues on staff visa costs, immigration information and support, as well as staff monitoring.
In our latest meeting last meeting, we have agreed the following:
On reimbursing visa costs, especially ILR: We have requested regular consultation with HR on the following steps being undertaken:
(a) HR is undertaking costings for covering ILR reimbursement. We expect an updated on this by the April. A paper is to then be put forward to the University Exec noting making recommendations on how to accommodate these costs.
(b) An alternative to ILR reimbursement is to expand funding available creating an individual “pot” that is available to each member of staff to draw on for various kinds of immigration costs. The amount in this “pot” and flexibility of amount available is yet to be determined.
(c) Additionally, in light of process errors reported to us, we have requested that regular updates be provided to College, Group and School-level HR offices on the kinds of reimbursement already available, and that staff be reminded of these on a regular basis.
With respect to the above, a survey is being conducted to gauge members’ interest and preferences on how immigration costs should be covered by the University, as well as gather information on any alternate proposals you may have. The survey is available here and the deadline for completion is May 15th?
On staff monitoring: We discussed discrepancies identified from staff survey – mainly, between methods and frequency of checks. We also discussed a lack of knowledge/clarity amongst staff about how how process itself works. We have therefore requested:
(a) a written explanation of monitoring process (why monitoring is undertaken, how people are identified, frequency of contact, who will contact, timeframe within which to respond etc.) to be distributed to all-staff regularly; as well as available on the HR website for international staff.
(b) to work together, with UCU migrant sub-committee, on a standardised process for monitoring, and language in monitoring emails/reminders to staff re. reporting responsibilities so that practice and messages can be as light-touch as possible.
On support for staff on immigration issues: We discussed the range of issues that people need support on (as identified in the survey) and lack of adequate knowledge of the presence of the Staff Visa Officer. We also discussed the university’s role in providing information to international staff – especially those on short-term contracts/visas – about various immigration pathways to help staff plan in advance. We have therefore requested:
(a) an information page on visa pathways on HR website
(b) organising regular workshop, alongside UCU and Staff Visa Officer, on immigration pathways
(c) regular training and guidance for HR staff and research offices on inclusive recruiting for international staff
Finally, we are pleased that migrant issues will be added as a standing item on the agenda of the Joint Unions Liaison Committee so that the unions can provide regular feedback and oversight on policy issues affecting migrant staff.
For any further questions or comments, please feel free to email or our migrant officer at