Dispute Consultations
Various consulations are underway in relation to our current disputes. This blog post attempts to bring together a range of information and analysis to assist members navigating things.
From UCU Comms
Branch Delegate Meeting (BDM) questions: notes (24 Mar 2023)
New JNCHES trade union side statement (23 Mar 2023)
Joint statement by UCEA and the joint trade unions covering a review of the UK HE pay spine, workload, contract types and equality pay gaps (15 Mar 2023)
Terms of reference for JNCHES reviews on the pay spine, pay gaps, contract types and workload review
Joint statement on UUK and UCU collaboration toward USS benefit restoration.
From Our Negotiators
USS update — a briefing for members of the USS pension scheme from elected UCU negotiators (Jackie Grant and Mark Taylor-Batty, 27 Mar 2023)
UCU national negotiators’ analysis of the ACAS offer on pay gaps, contract type and workload (26 Mar 2023)
Mark Taylor-Batty on good/bad faith scenarios on USS (Twitter, 24 Mar 2023)
Have we ‘won’ on USS? (Deepa Driver and Marion Hersh, 19 Mar 2023)
Analysis and Opinion
Provisions for any further consultations on USS / Four Fights disputes (28 Mar 2023 - for context see here)
UCU Update (Sylvia De Mars, 27 Mar 2023)
Dangerously close (Sarah Joss, 26 Mar 2023)
What Do You Think? (Michael Abberton, 25 Mar 2023)
Reject the Rubbish Non-Offer – No More Surveys! (UCU Left, 23 Mar 2023)
Motion on consultation on USS and/or Four Fights disputes (22 Mar 2023 - for context, see here)
What the HEC? (Grant Buttars, 21 Mar 2023)
Moving On: the 17 March HEC Decision and Next Steps (UCU Commons, 20 Mar 2023)
What’s going on, and why did HEC vote against consultation on the disputes? (Vicky Blake, 20 Mar 2023)
Does HEC listen to UCU members? (Adam Ozanne, 19 Mar 2023)
UCU Democracy (Royal Holloway Early Career Academics, 19 Mar 2023)
UCU Stumbling (Dave Hitchcock, 18 Mar 2023)
UCU Open Letter: HEC to Consult Members on Employer Proposals Now
Please send any suggested additions for this page to ucu.comms@ed.ac.uk